Impact Factor 2023: 1,5
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Bei Fragen helfen wir Ihnen gerne:
RÖKO DIGITAL 2025 – am 5. März geht's los!
Freuen Sie sich auf ein umfangreiches Fortbildungsprogramm, geplant von den AGs und Fachforen in der DRG sowie den Fachgesellschaften DeGIR, DGNR und DGMTR. Der 106. Deutsche Röntgenkongress ist zugleich der gemeinsame Kongress der DRG und DeGIR. Daher erwartet Sie in diesem Jahr ein besonders breites Fortbildungsangebot in der Interventionellen Radiologie, welches durch die DeGIR gestaltet wurde.
Werfen Sie hier schon einen Blick in die ersten Programmwochen. Das immer aktuelle Programm finden Sie natürlich online auf
Sie interessieren sich für weitere Veranstaltungen der DRG?
Dann besuchen Sie den Veranstaltungskalender der DRG
RÖKO WIESBADEN 2025 ganz praktisch: Diese Workshops erwarten Sie!
Im Rahmen des RÖKO WIESBADEN können Sie sich vom 28. bis 30. Mai 2025 in zahlreichen Workshops fortbilden. Von Simulatorkursen über conrad-Workshops bis hin zu Ultraschall-Kursen ist wieder für alle Interessen und Wissenslevel etwas dabei.
Alle Workshops können Sie direkt mit Ihrer Kongressregistrierung buchen. Detailinfos finden Sie im Programm unter Schnell sein lohnt sich, da die Teilnahmezahlen begrenzt sind.
Authors' Guidelines
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Publications types
Original Article
Scientific original articles can be submitted for the following subject areas and subcategories: Abdomen, academic radiology (research, teaching, evidence-based medicine), experimental radiology, gastrointestinal tract, vessels, health policy, heart, interventional radiology, pediatric radiology, contrast agents, head/neck, breast, molecular imaging, musculoskeletal system, neuroradiology, oncologic imaging, quality/quality insurance, technics and medical physics, thorax, genitourinary system.
- Abstract: The abstract is decisive for the international and national visibility of your article. Therefore, please provide a structured and highly professional abstract. Please ensure that all statistically relevant facts and figures are provided under "Results" so that readers can obtain all relevant data simply by reading the abstract.
- Key points at the end of the abstract: Three bullet point sentences including core statements of the article and show what new information the article is providing. In the publication the key points are directly following the abstract and also appear in PubMed.
- The introduction can be restricted to a brief description of the study reason and purpose. The method section contains exact data regarding the patients (including control groups) or the study material. The individual methods, equipment, and procedures should be described so that the results can be reproduced.
- The results follow the individual points of the study purpose or study program. They can be provided as text as well as in the form of tables or figures.
- The discussion section addresses the new and important features of the study without repeating the details of the results. It describes the significance and limitations of the findings and references the observations of other studies. The conclusions derived from the results should be included at the end of the discussion section.
- The clinical relevance of the study is described in 3 – 4 sentences (bullet point list). Please place these sentences at the end of the main text. In the publication this is displayed in an infobox (header: "Clinical relevance of the study").
Rapid Communication
Short, concise, original articles presenting highly topical content that requires that shall urgently be published. The cover letter shall make clear why. The assessment center accepts articles in between four weeks and then minimally reviews before publication.
Review articles regarding research status or continuing education include a structured abstract containing the following sections:
Background: Precise statement on the context and the primary objective of the review. Method: Methods or tools used, e. g. for the literature search. Criteria used to select studies from the data sources, including any time restriction.Results and Conclusion: Clear statement of the conclusions of the review and their generalisations and limitations.Key points: See "Key Points" under "Special features of original articles".
The Interesting Case
Concise case reports. Note: The names of the authors appear at the end of the article.
Pictorial Essay
Clinical picture thoroughly documented on the basis of a multimodal image series (including clinical description, histology and therapy). Limited text with numerous figures of high quality and accompanying educational legends. A differential diagnosis of the described clinical picture is requested. A pictorial essay provides the figures for the cover image of the RöFo issue in which it appears. Note: The names of the authors appear at the end of the article.
Editorials are typically initiated by the publishers.
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Author's correction, imprimatur, specimen copy
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